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Weekly Relationship Check-in Guide
Staying connected in your relationship is important for growing old and grey together. Use our Weekly Relationship Check-in Guide to stay connected, keep an open-line of communication, and discover better ways to support one another.
How does the Check-in Help?
We have found working with couples they often meet with us because of their struggles to communicate, difficulty managing conflict, and a lack of connection.
The check-in was created to help focus on all three of these areas. It is divided into a set of 6-questions and prompts to help you communicate, reduce conflict and build connection.
What went well this week?
What could have gone better?
Map out the week together.
What does emotional support for the next week look like for you?
What are your individual needs for the week?
What couple needs do you have for the week?
Our intention is to have you implement the check-in each week to work on intentionally growing your relationship weekly. You may find it takes a bit more to work through the check-in each week, but you will find the more often you practice it, the smoother it goes week by week.
Get your copy of the Weekly Relationship Check-in Guide below.
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